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Find the solution

For your concerns regarding daycare centers


Discover a unique platform that connects parents, children, and daycares across Switzerland. At its core is a holistic experience—designed for families, dedicated professionals, and visionary daycare leaders.

Job portal for daycares in Switzerland: Looking for a new professional challenge in the field of childcare in Switzerland? Or are you an employer seeking qualified staff for your daycare? This specialized job portal provides the perfect platform to connect and find the right job opportunities in Swiss daycares.

Educational content for parents: Parents can find inspiring educational content in the form of blogs and videos, specifically created for daily life with children in Switzerland. Discover valuable resources that enhance everyday life with children—from creative play ideas to exciting craft projects.

Sale and Succession Planning for Daycare Managers in Switzerland: Daycare managers in Switzerland looking to sell their facility or find a succession solution will find a unique opportunity here. The platform, supported by a dedicated fund, helps ensure a seamless transition for the daycare. is more than just a platform—it's a network actively shaping the future of childcare in Switzerland. Dive into a world of possibilities and discover how you can benefit from it.

Job portal

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